This past Sunday Xtreme Vixens MC took a group of riders out for a lovely ride. Starting in Concord traveling through Martinez, Briones Regional Park to the quaint little @starbucks_orinda_village . 11 amazing, independent and confident women and 1 adorable future biker chic formed a polite line to get something warm to drink after our cold windy ride. An older woman queued up behind us and had the audacity to say out loud to all who could hear her “you are in the wrong town” sneering as she said it. YOU ARE IN THE WRONG TOWN. Shortly after she left, the Orinda Police showed up. Wonder why? Did she really think we were some scary group of criminals...Maybe the Sisters of Anarchy. Was she so scared of our vanilla lattes that she had to call the police? Anyone who follows us on social media has seen our posts about police profiling of motorcycle clubs and motorcycle riders. Many of you may have thought we were exaggerating. But this is the reality of being on two wheels. Whether you are in a motorcycle club or not you are often judged to be a criminal for the love of those 2 wheels. We were paying customers, respecting those around us, behaving as anyone would out for a cup of coffee with friends. This does not scream criminal. Add the patches to our vests and still this should not scream criminal. Whether you are in the Motorcycle Community, ride independently, or just hate the idea of anyone being treated like a criminal for no valid reason we ask that you support our fight to end motorcycle profiling. It is real and it is happening. For more information on motorcycle profiling we encourage you to check out this 2 part podcast from Four for the Road - https://youtu.be/bpiErzaohjk If you have ever been a victim of motorcycle profiling you can help by completing this survey. All the information collected helps bolster the upcoming bills proposed in the CA Senate and on a national level. More information can be found at - https://tinyurl.com/ro76ncb If you are interested in getting involved reach out to us and we can put you in contact with the right people. We finished our coffees, smiled at the police officer, some even joking with him that we are really scary bikers. We left #Orinda with no further incident. To that lady who called the police on us...we will likely see you again. @cityoforinda is our new favorite hang out spot. #inthewrongtown #Orinda #policeprofiling #SistersofAnarchy #profiling #judgementalmuch #shameonyou #XtremeVixensPSA #Motorcycleclubsarenotgangs #bikersarenotcriminals #weride #onecommunity #xvmcnorcal #cantbuysisterhood #ladybikersofthebayarea #sisterhoodofthetravelingbikerchicks #xvmc #teamextreme #xtremevixenMC
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Samurai Girl, Siren, & Raven |