October is Breast Cancer Awareness MonthHere are staggering facts about breast cancer in the US from nationalbreastcancer.org:
Show Your Support With Our Shirts!XVMC wants to raise funds to donate to The National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc so we can change these facts about breast cancer. Please support us on our cause by purchasing one of our T-Shirts! We have both womens and mens versions. Please also spread the word of campaigns by sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, text, word of mouth! Every little bit helps! Your support is greatly appreciated! Act fast! Our campaign ends on October 26th! Thank you! Click on Photos to Take You to CampaignNote: When the campaign was created, we had removed Susan G. Komen org. as the recipient because we learned that less than 20% of proceeds were used towards research and prevention programs. Before ultimately choosing the National Breast Cancer Foundation, we had defaulted to the XVMC account, overseen by Shizuka. Don't worry! The proceeds are not going to fund Shizuka. Shizuka is just the campaign organizer. At the end of the campaign, the proceeds will be sent to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. We ultimately came to this decision because we learned on NBCF's site that 86% of their spending is on their programs, "including providing mammograms, breast health services, education, and support for those in need. We accomplish this through partnerships with hospitals and breast health facilities across the country, community outreaches, and digital educational and support resources." That's an organization we can back fully and proudly!
Latest News and Anything XVMC Posted Here! Co-Authors:
Samurai Girl, Siren, & Raven |