H.R. 1435 the “Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act.”https://mrf.org/federal-legislative-issues/
Your immediate response is requested before June 1st!The California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) just released their proposed changes to On-Road emissions standards and test procedures. These regulations and standards amendments are aimed at motorcycles and motorcycle engines manufactured on or after January 1, 1978 through 2025. This points to a desire to force the adoption of electric motorcycles beginning in 2026 which is seven years ahead of the EPA’s new emission standards for motor vehicles model-years 2027 to 2032. Below are highlights and commentary on these proposed changes… The US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed new federal emissions standards for motor vehicles model-years '27 to '32, intended to dramatically increase sales of electric vehicles (EVs) in the coming years. While these rules are not yet finalized and subject to approval, the agency’s target is clear: two-thirds of new passenger vehicles sold in the United States should be EVs by 2032. California is already pursuing stricter greenhouse gas standards with a goal that 70% of new vehicles sold in the state will be zero-emissions vehicles by 2030. The Golden State is also seeking to completely ban the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035. This is significant, as 17 other states have followed all or part of California's previous clean-car rules. It has also eliminated an exemption provided to low-volume car manufacturers (those that produce fewer than 5,000 vehicles a year). - The proposal, as drafted, is essentially the knock-out punch to the internal combustion engine (ICE) technologies the specialty automotive aftermarket has built its industry around. - The Biden Administration estimates this proposal will result in two out of three new vehicles sold in the United States being electric by 2032. The proposal is not technology neutral, as the EPA and White House suggest. - Ultimately, if these regulations are implemented, it will likely lead to more government subsidies to large automakers to manufacture EVs and for consumers to purchase them. - We have already witnessed massive government subsidies to implement the infrastructure to support EVs: 1. The Infrastructure Bill that became law in 2022 funded 500,000 EV charging stations nationally. 2. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 financially incentivized Americans to purchase EVs. - Government policies should support the work of small-business innovators that employ millions of Americans by letting the market and innovation drive solutions to the environmental challenges we all seek to solve. - The unintended consequences of these regulations will be extremely far-reaching, adversely impacting rural and urban vehicle owners and reducing consumer choice We at ABATE highly recommend our members review CARB’s proposed amendments and submit comments to them by the June 2 deadline. Without such public input, the agency may assume a general “unchallenged” acceptance of their proposal. As a reminder, it is easier to stop such changes BEFORE they go into effect. Once they take effect, it is extremely difficult to change them. Written Comments – MUST BE RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE JUNE 2, 2023 Written comments on the draft regulation can be submitted via e-mail to - [email protected] or mailed to: California Air Resources Board 1927 13th Street: Sacramento, CA 95811 Attention: Jason McPhee There will be a Public Workshop to discuss these proposed On-Road Motorcycle (ONMC) regulatory amendments on June 7th. Again, this is our opportunity to express our concerns and push back on these proposed changes. If we fail to do this, then it is on us when these changes go into effect. I’m just being real here. The government only gives us a sliver of a window to challenge them, so we must take that opportunity en mass if we want to keep our beloved internal combustion engines for future generations. Date: June 7, 2023 – Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (PST): Location: Zoom Virtual Meeting Click button for Proposed Regulation Order – Preliminary Draft for Public Review and Comment. Amendments to On-Road Motorcycle (ONMC) Emission Standards and Test Procedures. Please take the time to review before submitting comments – due by June 2, 2023 Click button for CARB’s Public Workshop to Discuss Proposed On-Road Motorcycle (ONMC) Regulatory Amendments Registration Page scheduled for June 7, 2023. Whether you read CARB’s draft proposed regulation order and submit public comments (HIGHLY RECOMMEND), you are encouraged to attend this workshop where many of the submitted public comments will be addressed. We at ABATE can’t stress the importance of getting engaged in the above activity. PLEASE… invest your time to saving our beloved motorcycles, hobby, and way of life BEFORE it is too late.
Also please share this information with everyone you know who rides, whether they are ABATE members or not. It going to take all of us to slow these government programs. Members of the House of Representatives left D.C. last week for two weeks of recess. While they are away their staff members are sorting through constituent mail and reviewing legislative priorities. Now is a great time to contact those congressional offices and have your voice heard!
House Resolution 366 (H Res 366) is a resolution focused on the profiling of bikers and it needs public support from all Members of Congress. Fill out the form below and you will be sent to a site that sends a letter to your Representative based on your zip code. If your Representative has already signed on, your message will be a thank you note and ask them to push for a full vote on the House floor. If your elected official hasn’t signed on, the message will ask for them to cosponsor H Res 366 and go on record supporting bikers. So far this year over 70 Representatives have cosponsored the resolution, but that is just half of where we were in 2020. Let’s make sure the politicians in Washington, D.C. hear from bikers and act. Thank you for contacting your Representative regarding H Res 366. Come try your luck as we celebrate our 12, 13 and 14th anniversary (FUCK COVID!)!
Tables, games and seductive entertainment you don’t want to miss! Proceeds go to Dress For Success. It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.
Merry Christmas from us to you! |
Latest News and Anything XVMC Posted Here! Co-Authors:
Samurai Girl, Siren, & Raven |